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Women’s Cafe!

In order to face the challenges of living independently, you need to empower yourself and be confident.

Therefore you might have several questions like, how to take care of your health issues?

Or maybe you have no idea about your rights in Hungary? Or even how to handle an emergency-related situation?

So here you are. We were happy to provide the opportunity that you were looking for, which was the new program called Women’s Café funded by UNHCR Hungary, where on each occasion we invited specialists to give you useful information on important daily life topics such as legal aid, gynecological issues and dental and healthcare in general, etc.

Gave you space for questions and answers or consultation in a friendly, non-judgmental atmosphere.

The schedule:

- The first aid training

Here we provided ladies, with the knowledge and skills on how to act and react in case of health-related emergencies, we started our Women Café events with First Aid training.

- The Dental Hygiene Information Session

Good dental hygiene is essential to prevent infections and oral diseases and therefore, we also organized a dental hygiene information session where prevention measures were explained, and questions could be asked.

- The Gynecology Information Session

Access to gynecology information for migrant and refugee women is often lacking or problematic due to religious and traditional beliefs. Therefore, we offered women a safe environment where sexual and reproductive health-related concerns could be discussed.

- The Legal Aid Session on Education

Where we talked about your rights and opportunities related to education. For the sake of self-determination and an independent future for the upcoming generations of strong women. We invited lawyers from the Hungarian Helsinki Committee and NextStep, who gave us a very useful session

At the end of the last session, our dear guests left with a custom-made gift for all the enthusiastic participants as a reminder to stand up for themselves and take care.

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