She 4 She in collaboration with the Hungarian Helsinki Committee organized an event on the World Refugee day on June 20th, 2021 to raise the awareness of the existence and right of refugees in Hungary.
The event started with a walk from Hugonnai Vilma Square to Mandak - haz and followed by a panel discussion. The panel discussion focused on why women are forced to flee their country of origin and what were their chances and obstacles to pursue higher education in Hungary. The panelists included: Julia Faludi (Assistant Professor and co-author of NIEM-study on access of refugees to universities), Prem Kumar Rajaram (Founder of OLIve, Professor at CEU) Gábor Erőss, (vice mayor of Józsefváros and educational sociologist) Mary Mozafary (Representative of She 4 She NGO). The events are kindly supported by the Józsefváros Municipality and the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)